Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why is Action Research Important?

Why is Action Research Important?
The action research that is used today is different from the traditional research that was done in the beginning of the education system.  Action research allows for a more hands on approach to collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data.  Action research allows for school personnel to collaboratively evaluate data from studies and apply changes based on concerns actually taking place in the school system.  The research allows practitioners to collaboratively come up with the best possible solutions based on actual situations.  Action research allows practitioners to better understand why they act the way they do and better understand their teaching strategies.  Research also gives the school system the ability to be evaluated from the inside rather than from an outsider’s point of view. 
                In the hopes of becoming an administrator I believe action research is an important activity to participate in.  Action research allows you to conduct studies based on actual situations occurring in the school system.   Evaluating the research also gives you a better chance at making the correct decision based on the results.   I realize that it is not only important to conduct the action research but to also constantly reflect on the findings of the decision making process.  I believe the greatest power of an administrator is the ability to learn by doing.  Action research allows the administrator to be a constant learner.   Administrators willing to continually learn and adapt to the changing environment in the education world increase their chances of being successful.    

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