Sunday, April 22, 2012

Action Research Plan

Evaluation of the Relationship Between Benchmark
Scores and Standardized Test Scores

Troy Spivey

Lamar University

Action Research EDLD 5301

  • Collect data showing the results from the scheduled benchmarks throughout the year during the 09-10 and the 10-11 school years for 11th grade math
  • Collect data showing the results from the standardized test for the 09-10 and the 10-11 school years for 11th grade math
  • Individualize the reports to show performance based on race, gender, and economic status
  • Evaluate and present the relationship between the benchmarks and the results from the standardized test
  • Conduct a DMAC study in which data will be evaluated and charted
  • Conduct a survey of test takers to evaluate importance of benchmark test
  • Conduct an interview with the 11th grade math teacher
  • Conduct and interview with the Curriculum Director in which results will be discussed
  • Create a chart to itemize scores based on individualized performance

  • DMAC
1.    Standardized test results from 09-10 and 10-11
2.    Benchmark results from 09-10 and 10-11
  • Excel spreadsheet
1.    Categorize results based on gender, race, and economic status
2.    Compare success or failure of benchmarks and standardized test
  • TEKS for 11th grade math
1.     Evaluate properly aligned TEKS on benchmarks
  • Test Taker Survey
1.    Evaluate the seriousness of the test takers about the actual benchmark tests
1.    Collect data using DMAC program containing benchmark and standardized test scores
2.    Break down data into race, gender, and economic status results
3.    Form a chart in which related data is compared
4.    Survey actual test takers
5.    Interview 11th grade math teacher
6.    Interview Curriculum Director

  • Research collector
  • 11th Grade math instructor
  • Curriculum Director
  • High School Principal
  • From the results of the study the 11th Grade Math teacher will better understand the significance of conducting benchmarks
  • If the study reveals the results of benchmarks and standardized test scores are directly related more emphasis can be placed on struggling students.
  • If the study reveals the results of benchmarks and standardized test scores are indirectly related then the information tested in the benchmarks should be re-evaluated.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lesson's Learned from EDLD 5301 Research for Teachers - SP3 12 - EA1299


        This week's lesson provided information regarding The Passions That Drive Your Journey.  There were 9 different categories regarding Finding a Wondering in regards to research.  The most interesting to me was the Staff Development.  I will be the first to admit that I am one that does not usually enjoy having to come to summer Staff Development or comp time.  The quote from Barth. 1981 "When teachers stop growing, so do their students" really touched home for me. (p. 145)  I believe that it is important for the administrator to review information regarding areas in which his/her staff would like to improve.  If staff development is centered around area's in which teachers know they need to improve upon they will be more interested and focused

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Educational Leaders using Blogs

Educational Leaders using Blogs
Blogs are creative ways of communicating and sharing new ideas.  Administrators can use blogs to make announcements, set schedules, or simple keep the staff informed.  A blog is a collaborative type of communication in which everyone can share and even add new ideas.  Blogging will allow the administrators to involve the staff in the decision making process.  Blogging is fast and easy to access which will allow more people to get involved.  Blogs will also allow you to bounce ideas off surrounding community members or even other surrounding school officials.  Blogging is a new and effective way for administrators to develop into collaborative and participative leaders.

Why is Action Research Important?

Why is Action Research Important?
The action research that is used today is different from the traditional research that was done in the beginning of the education system.  Action research allows for a more hands on approach to collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data.  Action research allows for school personnel to collaboratively evaluate data from studies and apply changes based on concerns actually taking place in the school system.  The research allows practitioners to collaboratively come up with the best possible solutions based on actual situations.  Action research allows practitioners to better understand why they act the way they do and better understand their teaching strategies.  Research also gives the school system the ability to be evaluated from the inside rather than from an outsider’s point of view. 
                In the hopes of becoming an administrator I believe action research is an important activity to participate in.  Action research allows you to conduct studies based on actual situations occurring in the school system.   Evaluating the research also gives you a better chance at making the correct decision based on the results.   I realize that it is not only important to conduct the action research but to also constantly reflect on the findings of the decision making process.  I believe the greatest power of an administrator is the ability to learn by doing.  Action research allows the administrator to be a constant learner.   Administrators willing to continually learn and adapt to the changing environment in the education world increase their chances of being successful.